After thinking about changing the name of my blog, I thought “What will others expect from my blog?” Then I thought, “What do I expect from my blog?” After all. I am writing this blog, it should be meaningful to me and reflect who I am. I mean in adding “adventure” to the title....does that mean I am going to have to go skydiving or something like that now?! Yikes! The answer to the skydiving question, in case you were wondering, is ummm....NO!
But, breaking my thoughts down a bit further, what is categorized as an “adventure?” The actual definition of adventure is,
an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience, or activity.
What I came to realize after revisiting the formal definition of adventure is...I think that life should be an adventure (well, maybe excluding the hazardous part). An adventure doesn’t necessarily have to be skydiving, or running with the bulls ~ although these certainly would be categorized as adventures. I believe an adventure can be the spirit, or attitude, in which we do something ~ how do we view, or “take on,” life? Life truly is an adventure. Each of our lives are unusual, our lives can be exciting and goodness knows they can be hazardous on many levels (physically, emotionally, spiritually). If we look at life as an adventure, if we make the small, simple things like a dinner with our family as “occasions,” won’t we make our own lives, as well as those around us richer? My thoughts are, “yes!” I am curious on your thoughts on this topic?
We only get one trip through this life, don’t you want it to be an adventure? I know I do! Enjoy!
A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure.
~~Charlie Chaplin
A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure.
~~Charlie Chaplin