Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Adventure of Operation 2012, Part Deux and the Girl in the Red Bug

Here we are, already into the middle of June. I am not quite sure where the year has gone. I must admit, I’ve been feeling a little anxious about already being in June, feeling like the year is flying by and that my biggest fear of having the “Lost Year ~ Part Deux,” is coming true. My work/life balance has been a huge challenge for me, so far this year. I am struggling and trying to figure out how to set boundaries for myself and my life. I must admit, I admire those super organized people that are able to accomplish every little goal they put out there. Or, those people that don’t have the constraints of outside forces that have the tendency to dictate our lives to us.
I took some time to review my Operation 2012 Goals. It’s good to celebrate accomplishment; as well as make plans to complete goals that haven’t been met, or even thought about yet. Below shows where I am...and well, yes, where I need to be.
Operation 2012
The Year of Doing Things Differently
  • Try 12 new recipes - OK, so-so on this goal. I think I have tried more recipes, but haven’t really kept track - will need to be better about keeping track and posting.       - made Cake Pops for Easter and the nephew’s birthday. Successful on both accounts and will definitely make again. - baked chicken coated with plain greek yogurt, parmesan cheese, and Panko Breadcrumbs
  • Complete 12 runs, including one run outside of the state of AZ - To date I have completed ten runs. Some were really great; some, my performance not so great. But, looking at what I have accomplished so far, either way I am proud and encouraged to continue on my running journey. I am beginning to feel a bit more comfortable in calling myself a “runner.”
  - London’s Run (1/28)
-The Lost Dutchman (2/19)
-The Nun Run (3/10)
-St. Patrick’s Day Run (3/17)
-Seville Skirts & Shirts (3/24)
-Firefly Run (4/14)
-Tillman Run (4/21)
-Too Hot to Trot (4/28)
-The Night Run (5/12)
-Bay to Breakers ~ San Francisco CA (5/20)
I have several runs planned for the remainder of the year and am also looking forward to my first Half Marathon in January 2013.
  • Read six books - Currently reading a James Patterson novel. I need to get motivated on this goals.
  • Go on six hikes - 0 completed - YIKES
  • Take a photography class- This goal is being replaced by starting a Master’s Program.
  • Lose 12 lbs I have nothing to say about this one and that says everything! Ughhhh!
  • Participate in a Bible Study - No progress on this
  • Attend church, at least twice a month - Refocus needed - STAT!
  • Finish a quilt-It is summer and too hot to do anything outside, thiscould happen sooner than later.
  • Become a couponer, yes with a snazzy binder and everything!-Need to get back on track with this.
  • Take 12 pictures a month - I have been hit or miss with this goal. I want to start taking more random photos. 
  • Take a cooking class - Being replaced with the Master’s Program.
How do you balance work and personal life? How are all of you doing on your goals for the year? 

Until the next time....The Girl in the Red Bug