"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marching across your face."
Truvy Jones - Steel Magnolias
Aging is one of the most interesting aspects of life. Most of us don't want to
do it, in fact we fight it kicking and screaming, but the alternative to
aging...well, it's grim prospect to say the least.
So, how do we handle this thing we call aging? How does one handle all the
creaking & cracking every time you get out of a chair, finding hair in places
that you never had it before, or hearing, "oh yay, my mom wears that too!"
In my 20's, I always said I would age gracefully; you know not worry about the
inevitable shifting & drifting, the wrinkles, the graying hair; but now being
well into my 48th year of life, I know that this is an absolute crock of crap!
I am prescribing to Dolly Parton's methodology of aging, "if it is sagging,
bagging or dragging; i am going to nip it, tuck it, or suck it!"
Ok, So Dolly's methodology may be a bit extreme, and a little pricey to say the
least; but I want to be the best "insert age here," that I can be!
So, if we can't afford Dolly's method, what are some things we can do to make
this whole aging thing a bit easier? Here are some things I have identified that
work for me,
1. Exercise: Find something that you love to do and do it! Make it a priority in
your schedule. I love going to boot camp, I love the camaraderie, the laughter,
the sometime tears. It brings me a sense of being alive and joy.
2. Eat healthy - incorporate a new recipe into your cooking, try something
completely outside of your normal routine. If you don't like to cook, try a new
restaurant. Typically I am not a fan of Indian cuisine, but while on a recent
business trip, I tried an Indian restaurant and it was absolutely delicious - by
far my most favorite meal of the trip.
3. Continue to surround yourself with people that are younger than you; feed
off their energy, learn their interests, listen to their stories, what's
important to them.
4. Continue to surround yourself around people older than you! Talk with them.
Learn from them. Listen...we are all headed in the same general direction in
5. Love! Love freely, openly and often. Let those you love know that you love
them, not just by saying it (although what better words can you hear!), but show
them by your actions! Love, love, love!
And lastly, LAUGH...not just laugh, but LAUGH where you think you are going to
pee your pants, or snort your drink out through your nose! Laugh at least once a
day, it is one of the most freeing and liberating things we can do! It is truly
a gift!
These are just a few things that are making aging manageable for me. What are
some things you do to help you with the aging process?
One last quote, to leave you with, "smile, it increases your face value."
Truvy Jones - Steel Magnolias
Until the next time...The Girl in the Red Bug