1change verb \ˈchānj\
: to become different
: to make (someone or something) different
: to become something else
This is Webster’s definition of change. When I read the formal definition of change, I find it exciting! Exhilarating! But, then why is it that change can be so scary and dreaded at times?
I’m looking to make a change with my hair...granted not a life change by any means. Actually, I am beginning to think that a life change is easier, less stressful and something I don’t put as much research, or thought, into as I am this hair cut. I digress...I want something dramatic, that is going to make a statement but yet is simple and easy to take care of; sassy yet feminine. The sass factor is huge for me! I am all about the sass!
I have looked at, literally, hundreds of pictures and I have selected the style that I think is going to give me the sass factor I am looking for. I have scheduled the appointment to implement Operation Sass (a name I just came up with!). I am excited for a new change and to sass things up a bit. As I have said before, for me, Fall is a time of new beginnings and change for me. Fall does not symbolize an ending for me, but yet a beginning. I am ready for a SASSY fall!
What are you going to be doing to sass-up your Fall?
Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug