Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Adventure of Operation Sass and the Girl in the Red Bug

1change  verb \ˈchānj\
: to become different
: to make (someone or something) different
: to become something else

This is Webster’s definition of change. When I read the formal definition of change, I find it exciting! Exhilarating! But, then why is it that change can be so scary and dreaded at times?

I’m looking to make a change with my hair...granted not a life change by any means. Actually, I am beginning to think that a life change is easier, less stressful and something I don’t put as much research, or thought, into as I am this hair cut. I digress...I want something dramatic, that is going to make a statement but yet is simple and easy to take care of; sassy yet feminine. The sass factor is huge for me! I am all about the sass!

I have looked at, literally, hundreds of pictures and I have selected the style that I think is going to give me the sass factor I am looking for. I have scheduled the appointment to implement Operation Sass (a name I just came up with!). I am excited for a new change and to sass things up a bit. As I have said before, for me, Fall is a time of new beginnings and change for me. Fall does not symbolize an ending for me, but yet a beginning. I am ready for a SASSY fall!

What are you going to be doing to sass-up your Fall?

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug

Friday, September 5, 2014

Fall and the Girl in the Red Bug

Fall is absolutely my most favorite season! I love it! Many people have a sadness surrounding fall; the sad goodbye to the lazy days of summer. Not me! I have always loved fall. To me, fall symbolizes things new and exciting.

When I was a child, fall was the excitement of starting school, seeing all of my old friends, and making new friends. Fall was the thrill of new school supplies and a snappy new clothes. It was the first football game of the season on a crisp evening. Fall always meant the end of the summer television repeats and finding out what new television shows were going to be my favorite. Beginnings, beginnings, beginnings.

As an adult, fall brings me many of the same feelings it did in my youth. I still love buying school supplies and the first football game of the season. But, I have a deeper appreciation for fall now. Living in Arizona, I definitely look forward to the cooler temperatures and being outside more (that is without spontaneously combusting from the heat). I look forward to running again. I look forward to shorter days; to what feels like a slower pace, although I have also learned that is an illusion (time goes quickly regardless of the time of year). I look forward to Pumpkin Spice lattes and sweet treats made with apples. 

So, here is to fall and the fabulous beginnings it brings. What “beginning” will you be making this fall?