Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Surf City Half Marathon Training and the Girl in the Red Bug

Today started Week 4 of my Surf City Half Marathon training, 8 miles in the books! This is the first time, in all of my running, that I feel really good about the training plan I have in place and the fact that I am actually using the training plan that I have in place. Amazing what that will do!

When I ran my first half marathon in 2013, I only half way trained, so I am very excited that I am sticking with the training plan this time and REALLY training. And, a difference that I am also seeing this time around, is that I look forward to my runs. It’s a time to catch up with my friend, and running partner, and also a time to clear my head of things that weigh me down. I love seeing the progress that comes as I complete each run. It is not only gratifying, but it inspires me and keeps me motivated for the next run.

I am looking forward to making running “stick” in 2016, and for the adventures that will come with it. More updates on Surf City Half and Hollywood Half training to come...stay tuned.

What is something you are going to make “stick” in 2016? 

I wanted to share one last thing with you, here is the view of part of my run today! I always love the view of this train track!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Adventure of Saying Goodbye to 2015 and the Girl in the Red Bug

Here we are coming to the end of another year. It is the time of year where people reflect on where they have been and where they want to be. Did they accomplish the goals that were set at the beginning of the year? Did they keep at that exercise program? Did they eat healthier? Were they nicer to others throughout the year? Did they pay it forward? The list is never-ending! 

I am not exempt from this year-end self-reflection and the realization that I did not accomplish many of the goals I had set in place. Honestly, I am not sure where 2015 went. The one thing I can say....I am thankful to be closing out the 2015 chapter of my life. This, by far, was a challenging year for me. Perhaps it was the whole turning 50 thing? I really don’t know. I do know that I won’t be looking back as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve night.

During 2015, I was stretched in ways I didn’t expect. New friendships were formed, old friendships were revisited, and some friendships were lost. Through each, an opportunity to learn and grow. As we know though, with growth often comes growing pains. That is my 2015....The Adventures of the Girl in the Red Bug and the Year of Growing Pains. 

Growing pains can be oh so painful....but, they can also bring moments of pure joy and laughter. Growing pains can knock the wind right out of your sails, but they can also make you soar higher than you thought possible. They can make you dream and hope for things that you have had hidden away, under lock and key, in the deepest part of your heart. The key to growing pains, that I have learned, is to focus on the growth, not the pain. Easy to do? No....Necessary to move forward? Yes. Life is about continual growth, becoming the better version of our yesterday self.

So, nope I won’t be looking back at midnight on New Year’s Eve night, and I won’t miss this year one little bit. But, I will honor this year for it’s growing pains; focusing on the growth and releasing the “pain” and saying goodbye to 2015. I welcome 2016, hopefully a little wiser, with an open heart and ready for adventure!

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Adventure of Sticks & Stones and the Girl in the Red Bug

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, 
but words will never hurt me”

How many of use remember this childhood saying? Perhaps we have even used it with the children in our lives? How many of us actually believe this? I strongly disagree with this saying; well at least a portion of it. I would almost venture to say that words can hurt us, equally, if not more than those sticks and stones.

“Words can build you up
Words can break you down
Start a fire in your heart, or put it out”
                                           Words by Hawk Nelson

This is a chorus from one of my favorite songs, aptly titled Words. If you haven’t heard the song, I highly suggest you take a listen. The song lays out exactly what words can do, the power of our words and the affect they have on us and others.

I was recently sharing with a friend some “words” that had been said to me over 20 years ago. I was surprised the details I remembered, the specific words, and the feelings that arose in me in remembering the words; and the hurt that is still associated with the words and the lasting impact they have had on me. I am pretty sure I would take sticks and stones any day!

In relating this story, I was able to reflect on times when words have hurt me, broken my heart even. But, then I was also able to reflect on sweet words I have heard, ones that have brought me pure joy and lifted me up; words that fill my heart to a point that it may burst. Yes, words are truly stronger than sticks and stones!

I hope that you taking time to not only speak sweet words to others, but to yourself as well!

                                           Until the next time,
                                                The Girl in the Red Bug

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Adventure of Finding a Soulmate

Soulmate - a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. (As defined by Wikipedia)

There are books, songs, and movies written, or created, about finding (and losing) our soulmates. There are quizzes created in magazines and on Facebook on "How to Know You if You Have Found Your Soulmate." I being the Pessimist of Love ( a title I have held for quite some time now) just don't know how much I buy into this whole "soulmate" mumbo jumbo. The thought there is just that "one" and we will know it instantly when we meet them, I am just not sure I buy into that theory.

But, then I look at the actual definition of soulmate; a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This definition is much different than the books, movies, and quizzes portray. After reading this definition and tossing it around, I realize I really do buy into the whole "soulmate" mumbo jumbo.

My Soulmates (yes, that is plural people) have been in my life since childhood. These fabulous women have been my rocks throughout my life. They have seen me through my highest of highs and my lowest of lows. They have shared my joys, my laughter, my sadness and yes my tears. They love me and accept me with all my oddities and quirkiness. I love, and respect each of these women, with all of my being. They are beautiful, graceful, spirited, fun-loving, strong women. Each of them brings something unique and individual to my life, which enhances my life and just makes me a better human being; my Soulmates truly are my heart and soul.

So next time you are getting ready to take one of those Soulmate quizzes, take a look at the people in your life. Who laughs with you until you snort out milk through your nose? Who cries with you until there are no more tears? Who knows your heart and soul? I bet you will find, as I did, you don't need a quiz to tell you who your Soulmate is.....

                       ~Until the next time,
                          The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Adventure of Taking off the Armor and the Girl in the Red Bug

Several weeks ago, I was watching the only news program I watch, Morning Joe on MSNBC. They were discussing Hilary Clinton preparing to make her official announcement as a presidential candidate for the 2016 presidential run. They were discussing the challenges that Hilary Clinton will face as she begins her presidential bid. One of the commentators was discussing her "prickliness" for lack of a better term. Joe Scarborough, the host of the show and a former Republican Congressman, who knows Hilary Clinton personally, said that he has shared with people that really Hilary Clinton is just a mid-West gal, that she is very nice and genuine. But, when she puts on that "armor" people don't get to see the "real her." 

This segment got me thinking, how many of us put on our "armor" and don't allow others to see the the "real us?" I know there are many instances that I  am apprehensive, or even, dare I say, unwilling, to let others see "the real me," the authentic, quirky, crazy me.Why is this? Why don't we feel comfortable with sharing our individuality and uniqueness with others? Why don't I feel comfortable sharing my individuality and uniqueness with others?

So often, what hinders me in sharing my  "real self," is judgement from others; not fitting in, past hurts - really it can simply be defined as overall fear of rejection. Still at this age, fear of rejection plagues me. I wish I was confident enough to say it doesn't, but it does! That negative self talk still exists.

This simple news segment made me realize, as with Hilary Clinton, I am potentially missing out on amazing life opportunities. Although, I am making a conscious effort to guard myself, or reduce the potential of rejection or hurt, when I put on that "armor," in that same instance I am limiting the positive moments, the opportunities of meeting new people and experiencing new adventures. Fear of being our authentic selves limits us. It limits us to the lives we should be living.

I would encourage all of us, to remove our armor - one piece at a time - and  let others see the fabulousness of our uniqueness. I would love to hear how you are removing your armor. 

                                                         Until the next time,
                                                          The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, January 11, 2015

50 the New 30?

When did the choices get so hard?
With so much more at stake.
Life gets mighty precious 
   when there's less of it to waste.  
                                   Nick of Time ~ Bonnie Raitt
     2015 is a milestone year for me. In exactly 37 days, I will turn 50. WOW! 50 years old! Sorry to those 50 years or older, but 50 sounds OLD! Yes, yes, I have heard that 50 is the new 30, and all of that. And, I might even agree with that statement to a degree. We are living longer, we are more aware of health and wellness; but really, 50 the new 30. Sorry, that is simply a load of crap! That is a statement created by those 50, or older, to feel better about being 50, or older.

     In all reality, 50 is different from 30, especially for women. At 30, women hear, "you know your biological clock is ticking?" At 50, women hear, "are you having hot flashes yet?" A simple, somewhat joyful, somewhat sad fact of life. At 50, we have hair in places we don't want it and no hair in places we do want it. I don't recall that happening at 30. There are plenty of other shifts and drifts that happen from 30 to 50 as, 50 the new 30, uhhhh....NO!

     So, what is a girl to do with 50? Well, this girl plans to eat healthier and exercise more; laugh more, worry less; be more inquizitive and less knowing; wear snappy shoes and fabulous hats; embrace life and celebrate more. That is what this girl plans to do. So, maybe with all that, 50 is the new 30 after all.

                                       Until next time,
                                       The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, January 4, 2015

So Long 2014

     2014 has come to an end, and I can't say that I am sad to say goodbye. It's not that 2014 was bad, it wasn't;  but it was a year of constant flux. Flux that was entirely self-induced, but flux nonetheless; flux self-induced,  or not, is still flux.
     I spent much of 2014 pondering happiness,  more specifically,  my happiness. What makes me happy, not someone else's views of what makes, me happy. Another aspect I looked at, in 2014, were the relationships I have in my life. Are they authentic relationships? Do they make me a better person (or give me the desire to be a better person?). Do they bring me joy and laughter? Do they offer me opportunities to be encouraged,  and to encourage? If the answer to these questions was not yes, then I felt it was time to step back and ask myself whether the relationship was one that I wanted to continue with, or not. In doing this, it also allowed me to look at the relationships that I, perhaps, have been, neglecting, or not giving the level of attention I should have.
     Throughout the year, I experienced moments of joy and moments of hurt and sadness (as I think most people do in the span of a year). But, through everything, I learned a tremendous amount about myself. Through the flux of the year, I found a job that I am very happy with, and for that I am thankful each and every day. I feel blessed with opportunities that have been put in front of me. I feel that I am focusing on the right relationships in my life and I will continue on fostering those positive relationships.
     So, with all of this, I am happy to say so long to 2014 and thank you for the lessons learned.  And to 2015, I say welcome friend!
     What were some of your lessons learned in 2014?
                                      Until the next time,
                                        The Girl in the Red Bug