Sunday, January 11, 2015

50 the New 30?

When did the choices get so hard?
With so much more at stake.
Life gets mighty precious 
   when there's less of it to waste.  
                                   Nick of Time ~ Bonnie Raitt
     2015 is a milestone year for me. In exactly 37 days, I will turn 50. WOW! 50 years old! Sorry to those 50 years or older, but 50 sounds OLD! Yes, yes, I have heard that 50 is the new 30, and all of that. And, I might even agree with that statement to a degree. We are living longer, we are more aware of health and wellness; but really, 50 the new 30. Sorry, that is simply a load of crap! That is a statement created by those 50, or older, to feel better about being 50, or older.

     In all reality, 50 is different from 30, especially for women. At 30, women hear, "you know your biological clock is ticking?" At 50, women hear, "are you having hot flashes yet?" A simple, somewhat joyful, somewhat sad fact of life. At 50, we have hair in places we don't want it and no hair in places we do want it. I don't recall that happening at 30. There are plenty of other shifts and drifts that happen from 30 to 50 as, 50 the new 30, uhhhh....NO!

     So, what is a girl to do with 50? Well, this girl plans to eat healthier and exercise more; laugh more, worry less; be more inquizitive and less knowing; wear snappy shoes and fabulous hats; embrace life and celebrate more. That is what this girl plans to do. So, maybe with all that, 50 is the new 30 after all.

                                       Until next time,
                                       The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, January 4, 2015

So Long 2014

     2014 has come to an end, and I can't say that I am sad to say goodbye. It's not that 2014 was bad, it wasn't;  but it was a year of constant flux. Flux that was entirely self-induced, but flux nonetheless; flux self-induced,  or not, is still flux.
     I spent much of 2014 pondering happiness,  more specifically,  my happiness. What makes me happy, not someone else's views of what makes, me happy. Another aspect I looked at, in 2014, were the relationships I have in my life. Are they authentic relationships? Do they make me a better person (or give me the desire to be a better person?). Do they bring me joy and laughter? Do they offer me opportunities to be encouraged,  and to encourage? If the answer to these questions was not yes, then I felt it was time to step back and ask myself whether the relationship was one that I wanted to continue with, or not. In doing this, it also allowed me to look at the relationships that I, perhaps, have been, neglecting, or not giving the level of attention I should have.
     Throughout the year, I experienced moments of joy and moments of hurt and sadness (as I think most people do in the span of a year). But, through everything, I learned a tremendous amount about myself. Through the flux of the year, I found a job that I am very happy with, and for that I am thankful each and every day. I feel blessed with opportunities that have been put in front of me. I feel that I am focusing on the right relationships in my life and I will continue on fostering those positive relationships.
     So, with all of this, I am happy to say so long to 2014 and thank you for the lessons learned.  And to 2015, I say welcome friend!
     What were some of your lessons learned in 2014?
                                      Until the next time,
                                        The Girl in the Red Bug