Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Surf City Half Marathon Training and the Girl in the Red Bug

Today started Week 4 of my Surf City Half Marathon training, 8 miles in the books! This is the first time, in all of my running, that I feel really good about the training plan I have in place and the fact that I am actually using the training plan that I have in place. Amazing what that will do!

When I ran my first half marathon in 2013, I only half way trained, so I am very excited that I am sticking with the training plan this time and REALLY training. And, a difference that I am also seeing this time around, is that I look forward to my runs. It’s a time to catch up with my friend, and running partner, and also a time to clear my head of things that weigh me down. I love seeing the progress that comes as I complete each run. It is not only gratifying, but it inspires me and keeps me motivated for the next run.

I am looking forward to making running “stick” in 2016, and for the adventures that will come with it. More updates on Surf City Half and Hollywood Half training to come...stay tuned.

What is something you are going to make “stick” in 2016? 

I wanted to share one last thing with you, here is the view of part of my run today! I always love the view of this train track!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Adventure of Saying Goodbye to 2015 and the Girl in the Red Bug

Here we are coming to the end of another year. It is the time of year where people reflect on where they have been and where they want to be. Did they accomplish the goals that were set at the beginning of the year? Did they keep at that exercise program? Did they eat healthier? Were they nicer to others throughout the year? Did they pay it forward? The list is never-ending! 

I am not exempt from this year-end self-reflection and the realization that I did not accomplish many of the goals I had set in place. Honestly, I am not sure where 2015 went. The one thing I can say....I am thankful to be closing out the 2015 chapter of my life. This, by far, was a challenging year for me. Perhaps it was the whole turning 50 thing? I really don’t know. I do know that I won’t be looking back as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve night.

During 2015, I was stretched in ways I didn’t expect. New friendships were formed, old friendships were revisited, and some friendships were lost. Through each, an opportunity to learn and grow. As we know though, with growth often comes growing pains. That is my 2015....The Adventures of the Girl in the Red Bug and the Year of Growing Pains. 

Growing pains can be oh so painful....but, they can also bring moments of pure joy and laughter. Growing pains can knock the wind right out of your sails, but they can also make you soar higher than you thought possible. They can make you dream and hope for things that you have had hidden away, under lock and key, in the deepest part of your heart. The key to growing pains, that I have learned, is to focus on the growth, not the pain. Easy to do? No....Necessary to move forward? Yes. Life is about continual growth, becoming the better version of our yesterday self.

So, nope I won’t be looking back at midnight on New Year’s Eve night, and I won’t miss this year one little bit. But, I will honor this year for it’s growing pains; focusing on the growth and releasing the “pain” and saying goodbye to 2015. I welcome 2016, hopefully a little wiser, with an open heart and ready for adventure!

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug