Have you ever felt that you are less than a priority in someone’s life? I think if we are all honest, we have all had our “George Bailey” moment, at one time or another (excuse the It’s a Wonderful Life reference after Christmas has already passed). I know I certainly have! You know, those people that are kind enough to detail the list of where you fall in the priorities, or the ones that give you every excuse as to why you cannot possibly be a priority in their lives. I am assuming these people are trying to be kind in providing this level of information and not the a-hole that it appears they are, but it is truly hard to tell!
I think when it all comes down to it, most of use want to feel important to others; like we matter, are a priority. But, how many of us lack that, or how many of us, perhaps, allow it ~ we willingly let others put us at the bottom of the list? Even further, how many of us put ourselves at the bottom of our own priority list? WHAT??!! Put ourselves at the bottom of our own priority list??? I would venture to say many of us do.
So, if we are willing to put ourselves at the bottom of our own list of priorities, why do we think, or expect, someone else to rank us higher in their list? Now, when I say this I don’t mean we all need to become self-centered or narcissistic; but, if we consistently don’t put ourselves as a priority, we cannot expect others to.
Each of us should love and value ourselves enough to know that we should be a priority, not only to others, but more importantly to ourselves. I would encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect...when was the last time you made yourself a priority? If you have not done it recently (or for some, ever) make your fabulous, incredible selves a priority...you are worth it and deserve it!
What is one thing you can do to make yourself a priority to yourself?
What is one thing you can do to make yourself a priority to yourself?
Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug