Friday, December 25, 2020

The Adventures of Facebook Memories and the Girl in the Red Bug

 Who else feels the bittersweetness of Facebook memories? 

Yes, part of my day consists of looking back on Facebook memories. Some memories make me shake my head and say WTF? Some memories make me think, “damn girl, you need to get a life (those are mostly related to the Real Housewives postings), and some memories bring me to tears. 

Seeing sweet, funny posts from family members and friends no longer with us; words of encouragement from them; and precious photos that randomly pop-up, make my heart ache, all while smiling with love. Bittersweet, friends, but, memories are like that, aren’t they and we should cherish each one and feel all the feels.

So today, as I head into my day, creating more memories, that are yet to be seen which emotion they will invoke from my future self, I will look at today’s memories and smile (and, maybe wipe away a tear or two). 

Hoping you are creating all types of memories today, cherishing each moment, and feeling all the feels. 

Until the next time,

The Girl in the Red Bug

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Adventures of Home and the Girl in the Red Bug

Home..what is home? Is it a building with with four walls? Is it a city or town, where we reside, or perhaps have resided in our past? I venture to guess, the word “home” means different things for different people.

For me, “home” has always been a feeling. A feeling of belonging, of community, and fellowship; good, bad, or indifferent. 

I contribute my feeling of home, to my upbringing in a small community.

I have found, over the last several years, I long for that sense of “home.” That feeling of a Friday night football game, with the whole town running up and down the sideline supporting their team, the restaurant where you walk in and you are kindly greeted by someone who actually knows who you are. The knowing and caring of your neighbors. A day of hard work well rewarded.

It’s ironic, for many years, all I wanted was autonomy. I found myself fighting the very core of my upbringing. I refused to go back to my hometown, for many years, for varying reasons. But, as we have gone through, notably, the craziest year in most of our lives, I have found the need to go “home.” To drive by the homes of my childhood, to feel the feels of times and moments gone by.  To see the porch, where Santa left my first red bike, to see the window of my bedroom that housed a beautiful canopy bed, that I no doubt didn’t value and appreciate then, as I do now. To remember the yard with a beautiful, bountiful garden; to look at the place where we all came together to make the ugliest Homecoming float, ever. To see where my sense of safety came from, in what sometimes felt like a scary, lonely, chaotic world. I long to surround myself with the feelings of what make-up home to me; to wrap myself up in a “big hug” of home.

I encourage each of you to feel your "home," and then take time to wrap yourself in your big hug of it.

Wishing you the biggest hug of home..until the next time.

The Girl in the Red Bug