Friday, September 23, 2011

The Adventure of the Personal Trainer and the Girl in the Red Bug

My newest adventure is working out twice a week with a personal trainer. I have been on this adventure about three weeks now! What an experience. I workout, relatively consistently, and have even worked out with a personal trainer previously, but I can honestly say it is/was NOTHING like I am doing now! Wow!

Some of the things I have learned in my adventure so don't have to go to a gym to workout and get in shape. Our workouts are at a local park. A few tools are needed to complete the workout; some handheld weights, an exercise band, and a yoga mat! That is pretty much it!

Although, I workout at the gym, and am trying to get back into my running, it is nothing like having some one to drive and push you through an hour workout. I will admit that there have been a couple of moments that I have reached the point of wanting to shed a tear or two, but the strong words of encouragement and having someone investing in you, pulled me through.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I have learned that seeing the results of my workouts makes every "Mountain Climber" and "Suicide" that I do, worth it (ok, ok....I tell myself that through every workout!). But, in three weeks, I have lost an overall of eight inches and I am able to do things, physically, that I was not able to do three weeks ago - I am happy. I can't wait to see what happens in the next month of so!

I would love to hear what adventures you are having!

Until the next adventure.....The Girl in the Red Bug!

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