Monday, January 25, 2016

The Adventure of Letting that Sh#% Go and the Girl in the Red Bug

After two chiropractic appointments, one massage, and some very deep stretching, what it took to get relief for my back problem of last week, was letting some emotional shit, which I had been holding onto, go.

Our bodies are truly amazing, they are capable of things that we don’t even realize, often times, that we can do. But, I have found (more than once) with all the amazing feats that our bodies can accomplish and endure, stress or “emotional shit,” can cause a complete physical shut down, it will literally bring a relatively healthy, physically active person to their knees. Stress, or emotional shit, will eventually manifest in some way shape or form, if not dealt with in a healthy, constructive way. Some can take on a lot of emotional shit before the damn breaks, some cannot take as much before that break (I probably fall into the later category). The emotional shit manifestation can be something like I was experiencing with my back, it can lead to larger and more serious medical conditions (as studies have shown), it can impact personal and professional relationships; the negative ways we can be impacted are numerous.

Letting go is not easy for me. I, by nature, am an over thinker. I am also one of those people that when I care about something, someone, or a situation, I care deeply, often times too deeply. Those two personality traits, combined, can cause me to get stuck in the shit so to speak. But, Friday the most amazing thing happened, and it was nothing of my specific doing, I just felt an emotional shift occur, I was able to take a deep breath (something I had not been able to do for at least four months now and a constant complaint to my chiropractor) and let go, the pain in my back subsided. It was the most freeing feeling; and at that moment I had such clarity and confidence that although we all go through shit there is that bigger plan for each of us, and if we allow ourselves to be truly vulnerable and authentic, that plan will be revealed to us in time. My faith, was more clear than it has been in years. I can only contribute this shift to being a total God thing.

With all this being said, I know that no road is ever completely free of potholes, or rivets; being authentic and vulnerable are not easy; good days and bad days will still exist but with faith, and the ability to let go of the shit, the road will be a little more smooth.

So here is to hoping that we can each know, and be, our authentic selves, that we can show our vulnerability with an open heart and confidence that it’s OK. And above all else, let your faith (whatever that means to you) carry you through the shit.

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Adventure of Training Interrupted and the Girl in the Red Bug

Week 7 of half marathon training is going rough....after an awesome 11-mile run on Sunday, Monday was a rest day, which was especially nice with the 3-day weekend. Yesterday, at some point, though I pulled something in my back and have struggled now with not only standing up, but also walking. The pain is terrible and I am extremely frustrated that it is interfering with my training plan.

I am trying everything to alleviate the pain; chiropractor, massage, some deep stretching. Here is a picture of what happens when you are doing "Legs on the Wall" and can't escape your dog bringing you her stuffed toy and laying it on you...I am sure she thought she was making me feel better.

Here's to hoping the stuff toy works and I am ready for my 12 mile run on Sunday! 18 days and counting...Surf City or bust!

Have you ever had your training program interrupted? What did you do to get back on track?

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Adventure of The Surf City Half Training and the Girl in the Red Bug

Well, here we are starting Week 7 of the Surf City Half Marathon training, we are roughly 19 days away from the first half marathon of 2016. Yes, I did say the FIRST half marathon of 2016 (the magic half marathon goal for 2016, is completing SIX half marathons - more about this later). 

Training for the half has been...well...a learning experience. Which is why, I suppose, it is aptly called “training.” There is so much that goes into training, on top of the running piece. Running almost seems secondary at some points. 

I am learning a tremendous amount during this time. The first thing is how inadequately I trained for my first half marathon almost three years ago. It is amazing, looking back, that I actually completed it, with as little training as I did. A proper training plan, and dedicated training time, is imperative when training for any type of run.

What else I am learning during training!?! 
  • Clothing (ok, clothing is pretty BIG in my book, anytime, nothing like a cute outfit!). What’s a gal to wear? Currently, I find if I am doing shorter runs, shorts are OK; longer runs I do better with capris or long running pants. And, I’m not going to lie, I have a slight obsession with cute running clothes. I would almost rather buy cute workout clothes than any other type of clothing. WHO AM I??
  • Temperature is a HUGE thing for me; this is an area I am still trying to “get it right.” What is the RIGHT amount of clothing to wear to accommodate temperature and body temperature changes during long runs, especially.
  • Hydration is another area that I haven’t quite figured out yet. Hydration is so much more than drinking water during the run; much of hydrating properly comes long before lacing up the running shoes and hitting the trail or pavement.
  • Fuel. Fuel, goes hand in hand with hydration. If you fill your diesel car with gasoline, it will not run properly, if at all; our bodies work the same way. Training has caused me to look more extensively at what I am putting into my body and how my body reacts to it. 

These are all valuable lessons that I am learning during my training; however, I have learned much larger lessons, than the mechanical parts of training for a half marathon. Lessons that I need to learn, or in some instances re-learn. 

Here are the BIG takeways for me,
  • Running with friends makes running fun and easier to do. We sing, we laugh, we vent! I can’t think of a better way to spend my time. 
  • Running groups ROCK! If you don’t have one find one, if you can’t find one, create one!
  • I AM capable of dedicating myself to something and following through with it.
  • The rewards of dedicating myself to this training have been tremendous...on every level. 
    • I love seeing the changes that are happening with my body; I am able to run longer, I have more overall energy, and YES! my clothes are fitting differently - and, if you know me at all, you know this has been a struggle for me for years now!
    • I love gaining new knowledge. I read, research, and experiment on things running related.
    • Emotionally, it clears my mind and opens my heart.
    • I am finally confident in saying, “I AM A RUNNER!”

Training for a half marathon may not be for everyone and that is OK. But, I would encourage each of you to find something that interests you...something that causes that little spark and let it ignite you, throw yourself into something outside of what you normally do and see where it takes you. I know that my little spark is taking me to Huntington Beach, in about 19 days, for a lovely run on the beach! WOW! I can’t wait!

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Adventure of the New Year’s Eve Tradition and the Girl in the Red Bug

How many of you have New Year’s Eve traditions? Several years ago, I decided to make a change in how I spent my New Year’s Eve. I had been in the routine of staying at home on New Year’s Eve, often times falling asleep without even knowing when the old year went out and the new year rang in! But, I didn’t want to fight the crowds at a club, go to a party, or potentially feel the effects of those choices for a day or two after. So, I decided to say goodbye to the current year, and ring in the new year in a healthy way...a 5k. 

Each year, I participate in the Midnight Madness 5K, located in Phoenix. I have loved doing this run since I started. I love the energy, love the people, love the joy of doing something some view as a little crazy when asked, “Hey! What are you doing on New Year’s Eve?”

This year, I added to the tradition...I also completed a 5k that started shortly after midnight, what a great way to say “Welcome 2016!” They say that whatever you are doing as the new year comes in, is what you will be doing in the new year! I love this! I love knowing that my year will be filled with running, with friendships, and new running locations. What a gift!

What are you looking forward to in 2016?

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug