Friday, January 1, 2021

The Adventure of Saying Goodbye to 2020 and the Girl in the Red Bug

 It’s the end of the year...the time of year we all take a bit of time to reflect on years past and set those new year’s resolutions, that typically last three days into the new year.

As I read through blogs and social media post of New Years past, the theme seems to always be, “I won’t miss xyz year,” “peace out xyz year,” “this has been the worst year.” You get the theme, right!?

I have been guilty of those statements; so anxious for one year to come to an end and ready to jump into a new year with all the zeal and energy of a child at their first time at Disneyland!

But, 2020 has taught me A LOT! Mainly, no matter where I go, there I am; flipping a calendar page doesn’t miraculously make my life come together. It doesn’t magically make me healthy, organized, debt free, happy with a career, or 20 lbs lighter!

Each hour, day, month, year holds opportunity; opportunity to make healthier choices, opportunity to go for a run instead of watching TV, opportunity to call someone special and let them know I am  thinking of them; opportunity to create the lives we envision for ourselves.

And, after 2020, I realize each moment, each opportunity should be cherished and not wasted; don’t think “the next day,” “the next year.” Instead of saying, “I’ll start tomorrow,” say “I am starting NOW.”

Here is to a 2021 of saying yes; yes to what is healthy for you, yes to what brings you joy and makes your heart so full it almost bursts, yes to the life each of us envisions. Don’t wait, the time is now!

Until the next time,

The Girl in the Red Bug

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