Sunday, December 27, 2009

Good morning! This is my first attempt at blogging. I always enjoy reading other peoples blogs; their thoughts, what is going on in their lives, their children's lives, what they are aspiring, I thought to myself, perhaps someone my be interested in what is going on with me as well.

Although I enjoy the holidays, I am always so thankful when they come to a conclusion. The end of the holidays, for me, brings me new inspiration, new energy, a sense of closure and that feeling of unlimited possibilities. What is next??? The excitement is building.

I am hoping that this blog will help me to achieve some of the goals I have always wanted to do, but for some reason, never seem to accomplish. I am hoping that by putting my thoughts and ideas out into the "bloggisphere," I will be more committed to them and actually follow through!

In 2010, I will be turning 45 years is hard to believe for me. I think this is what people call middle age, much to my dismay (although as my sister always reminds me, the alternative is pretty grim). With that being said, it is time to start living life to the fullest and doing what is important to me. I recently went back on Weight Watcher's. To date, I have lost 10 lbs. Only 25 left to lose, but at least I started and have survived the holidays. One of my next goals I am planning on focusing on this year, is running. I want to become a runner. Now, God did not bless me with a runner's body. Most of you know me and my physicque, so you know what I am talking about...short legs, a bit on the busty side...I do not scream runner when you look at me. So, this will be a bit of a challenge. But, I know that I can do it. By the end of 2010, my goal is to run a half marathon....will I do it, only time will tell.

What are some of your goals for 2010 my friends? Let's work on them together...whether near or far, we can support each other and encourage each other to achieve our wildest dreams and our loftiest goals. I can't wait to hear from you....until my next blog, here is the healthy living, loving life, and enjoying the day. Blessings....


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I love that you started a blog and can't wait to read and see how the year unfolds for you. Sounds like you have some great goals :) I haven't set mine yet but I will let you know what they are as soon as I settle on something. :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. I can't wait to hear what yours are going to be. Always so much fun to put new things into action. I started my Couch Potato to 5K program yesterday and in the middle accidentally reset the whole thing. Ughhh. I need to learn how to use my iphone better. So, I ended up going 3 miles, a combination of walking and running. At least it is a start. Have a wonderful, wonderful new year!
