Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Adventure of the “Seal” and the Girl in the Red Bug

Life is so ironic at times. Today I had to go to the courthouse to pick-up copies of my Nan, Pap, and Dad’s death certificates, along with some other documents.

Within one department you can get birth certificates, death certificates, apply for marriage licenses and even pop into the courtyard to finalize that marriage license, with a quick ceremony with the judge.

What struck me as ironic; within those four walls, all phases of life were represented; the beginning, middle, and end. While I’m reflecting on the lives and passing of family members, a couple next to me is starting their journey together, filled with loving, hopeful smiles; with eager anticipation for the future.

How quickly, yet slowly it often feels, our journey here goes by. I wonder if the couple next to me realize this; time is of the essence. Most of us don’t, or at least I know I didn’t until the last several years. Our beginning, middle, and end go so quickly; being summed up on a few legal documents with a seal from the Court at the end.

We often don’t have control over our beginning, but what we do with the middle and end, is all on us. How we love, how we live, create the middle and end.

As I was reflecting today, a question came to me, what will my “seal” be? What am I doing with my middle (ok, closer to the later part of the middle, but middle nonetheless)? 

I want my seal to reflect my heart, my true heart. I want it to reflect the amount of love I have for those most important to me, for people to know they matter, they are significant, they make a difference. I want my seal to show my passion and gratitude for life, my sense of humor. 

At the end of it all, we all will be summed up with a few page summary on a legal document, with a seal.” So, go and make your seal count my friends, time is of the essence.

Until the next time,
The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Adventure of the Unknown Trail and the Girl in the Red Bug

Some days are truly magical; providing moments of pure bliss mixed with the simplistic beauty of nature; Saturday was one of those days.

We opted to mixup our half marathon training with a hike or trail run. I found a trail, that I thought was near Muir Woods National Monument. What I didn’t realize, the trail was actually in the park, and reservations were required for parking. With no parking available for hours, we found roadside parking and picked up a trail from there, exploring with no set destination or mileage in mind.

The trail felt like a hidden gem, not heavily traveled; a perfect opportunity to disconnect and experience nature’s beauty, while soaking in the cooler temps provided by the marine layer and breathing in the air of cleaner, smoke-free skies. The day was a true gift.

It was the first day I felt good…truly good, in a long time; at peace but energized; connecting with the trail, taking in all the beauty, the sounds, the smells. Running…stopping to pick fresh blackberries…chatting with a lovely young couple and their two beautiful dogs. Still following the trail with no set destination.

We continued following the trail to the entrance of Muir Wood National Park, exploring and taking in the beauty of the majestic Redwoods; nature has a way of connecting me to God…touching my soul, renewing my spirit.

What do you do to disconnect and reconnect? If you aren’t taking time to do this, I encourage you to do so. Allow yourself to feel magic, experience peace, find the moments of bliss! 

Until the next time,

The Girl in the Red Bug

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Adventure of Becoming a Better Me

Have you ever had the feeling of being dismissed? You know that feeling that you are just so insignificant that, well, you are just dismissed. I experienced this today. It wasn’t unexpected, or a surprise, this has been a common behavior with the person. 

But, what was unexpected and very much a surprise, was my reaction. I told this person exactly what I thought of them. Exactly the words I have been wanting to say for YEARS! And, I mean years. 

As I continued to reflect on this interaction, I realized I allow people to “dismiss” me, I allow this professionally and personally.Because I don’t like conflict, because I don’t like hurt feelings, because I want to do the “right thing,” because I truly don’t like people to be upset with me, I am a people pleaser. So, I  stuff the feelings of being dismissed; the anger, resentment, the hurt…all of it contained, but festering. Often wondering, why isn’t someone speaking up? What isn’t  someone saying, “hey, that’s wrong, don’t act like that to her!” 

What I realized today…the someone that needed to speak up was ME, not someone else, but ME. Not only was this person dismissing me, I was doing the same thing to myself. By accepting this continual treatment  I have actually been dismissing myself. Whoa! Now that is a realization to unpack!

If you know me, or meet me, you would think I don’t have a problem sharing my opinion, or speaking, my mind; and, I don’t. But, I will often times in my discomfort with conflict (real or perceived), hurt feelings, or anger, become that “bull in a China shop.” I have an edge to me. Often not getting in front of the circumstances, but waiting for the situation to get better or to be different, I become more reactionary, which historically doesn’t workout well for anyone involved. The statement, “hurt people hurt people,” is very true.

Today was a valuable lesson. I felt freed, I feel relieved.I was able to take a deep breath, I was able to write! I released the feelings and emotions. Establishing  how we need, or want, to be treated is critical to leading a life of authenticity and more importantly, peace with oneself. 

Until the next time,

The Girl in the Red Bug